Aplus Dentistry LA

Veneers vs Crowns – All You Need to Know!

Veneers vs Crowns

Everyone wants a beautiful smile! Sometimes our teeth aren’t perfect – maybe they’re stained, a little crooked, or chipped. Luckily, dentists have special ways to help! Two popular choices are called veneers and crowns.  They can make your smile look amazing. This blog will explain everything you need to know about veneers and crowns so you can decide what’s right for you.

What are Veneers?

Think of veneers like super-thin covers for your teeth. They are usually made of porcelain, which looks just like your real teeth. Veneers go on the front of your teeth and hide all sorts of things:

  • Yellow stains that won’t whiten away
  • Chips or cracks
  • Small gaps between teeth
  • Teeth that are a bit too small or the wrong shape

Veneers are like a fresh coat of paint for your smile, making it look bright and perfect!

What are Crowns?

Crowns are like little hats that fit over your whole tooth. They can be made of different things like metal, porcelain, or a mix of both. Crowns are super helpful when:

  • A tooth is really broken down or has a big cavity
  • You’ve had a root canal, and your tooth needs extra protection
  • A tooth is weak and needs to be stronger
  • You’re missing a tooth and have a dental implant

Crowns make your tooth strong again and let you chew and smile without worry. They can even change the look of your tooth completely!

Key Differences – Veneers vs Crowns

Let’s break down the main differences between veneers and crowns to help you understand them better:

Tooth Coverage

Veneers only cover the front surface of your teeth, primarily for cosmetic changes. Crowns encase the entire visible portion of the tooth, providing both structural support and cosmetic improvement.

Tooth Preparation

Veneers require minimal tooth enamel removal, preserving more of your natural tooth structure. Crowns necessitate more significant reshaping of the tooth to accommodate their full coverage.

Durability and Lifespan

Crowns are generally more durable and can last for decades with proper care. Veneers are thinner and may need replacement after several years, depending on factors like wear and tear.


Veneers excel at addressing cosmetic concerns like discoloration, chips, gaps, and minor misalignments. Crowns are primarily used for restorative purposes, protecting severely damaged teeth, supporting teeth after root canals, and replacing missing teeth with implants.

Porcelain Veneers vs. Crowns

Porcelain is a popular material for both veneers and crowns due to its natural tooth-like appearance and durability. These veneers offer a more conservative and aesthetically focused solution, while porcelain crowns provide greater strength and protection for compromised teeth.

Veneers vs. Crowns Cost

Crowns are typically more expensive than veneers. The cost difference is influenced by the materials used, the complexity of the procedure, and the dentist’s fees. Generally, veneers can cost between $800 to $2,500 while crowns start from $1,000 and go anywhere near $3,500.

Which Option Is Right For You?

The best way to know whether veneers or crowns are the right choice for you is to talk to your dentist! They can look at your teeth, understand what you want, and explain the best way to make your smile dreams come true.

Here are some things to think about when deciding:

Your teeth troubles

Are your teeth mostly healthy but not as pretty as you’d like? Veneers might be the way to go. Are your teeth weak, broken, or have big fillings? Crowns could be a better fit.

What you want your smile to look like

Do you want a small change or a total makeover? Your dentist will help you figure out the best way to get the smile you want.

Your budget

Dental work can cost a bit, so being honest about what you can spend will help your dentist pick the treatment that works best for your smile and your wallet.

The Process

Getting veneers or crowns usually takes a few visits to your dentist.  Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect:


  1. Talking to your dentist: You’ll discuss what you want to change about your smile. The dentist will make sure veneers are the right choice for you.
  2. Getting your teeth ready: The dentist will carefully remove a tiny bit of enamel from the front of your teeth to make room for the veneers.
  3. Making a mold: The dentist takes an impression (kind of like a gooey mold) of your teeth. This is sent to a special lab where your veneers are made just for you!
  4. Putting on the veneers: You’ll come back when your veneers are ready. The dentist will try them on, making sure they look great, and then bond them to your teeth.


  1. Talking to your dentist: Same as with veneers, you’ll chat with your dentist about your goals and make a plan.
  2. Getting your tooth ready: The dentist reshapes your tooth more than they would for a veneer. This makes sure the crown fits perfectly.
  3. Temporary crown time: You get a temporary crown to wear while your permanent one is being made at the lab.
  4. The final crown: Once your permanent crown is ready, you go back to the dentist, and they’ll cement it in place. Now you have a strong, beautiful tooth!


Whether you choose veneers or crowns, both can give you a smile you’ll love to show off! The important thing is finding a skilled dentist you trust to help you decide what’s best for your teeth and your goals. A bright, healthy smile can change how you feel about yourself. So, don’t be afraid to ask your dentist how a dazzling new smile might be possible for you!

If you’re ready to explore your options, schedule a consultation with A-Plus Dentistry today and get a professional’s advice!

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