Aplus Dentistry LA

Why Are Dental Implants Expensive? Find Out The Truth!

why are dental implants so expensive

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over 3 million people in America have dental implants and this number is growing by 500,000 annually.

Missing teeth can seriously impact your confidence, your ability to eat the foods you love, and even your overall health. Dental implants are often hailed as the gold standard for tooth replacement, but their cost can be a real sticker shock.  If you’ve wondered, “Why are dental implants expensive?”, you’re not alone. Let’s break down the truth behind the cost of dental implants.

Why are Dental Implants So Expensive?

The price tag for dental implants might leave you wondering what makes them so costly. Unlike a simple filling or crown, implants are a premium tooth replacement option. But the truth is, a lot is going on beyond the price of the implant itself. Let’s uncover some key factors that make dental implants expensive, starting with the fact that getting a dental implant isn’t a quick, one-and-done procedure.

The Implant Procedure

Here’s the implant procedure that makes dental implants so expensive:

Planning and Preparation

Your dentist carefully plans where the implant will go. They use special pictures (X-rays) and sometimes even a 3D model of your mouth.  This makes sure the implant fits perfectly.

Bone Grafts (If Needed)

Sometimes, the bone in your jaw isn’t strong enough to hold the implant. If so, you might need a bone graft to make your jaw stronger. This adds another step and makes it cost more.

Implant Placement

This is the main part! The dentist puts the tiny titanium post (the implant) into your jawbone with a special surgery.

Healing Period

You need to wait a few months for the implant to become part of your bone. This can’t be rushed!

Abutment Placement

This is a small connector piece. The dentist attaches it to the implant that’s now stuck in your bone.

The Final Touch

The last step is getting your new tooth! It could be a crown, a bridge, or even dentures.  All of these are made to look just like your real teeth.

High-Quality Materials

Dental implants aren’t just a simple piece of metal. They’re designed to last forever, and the materials reflect that:

The Implant

Titanium is the star here. It’s strong, biocompatible (meaning your body won’t reject it), and bonds well with your bone resulting in an ideal osseointegration process.

The Abutment

This connecting piece between the implant and crown is also highly durable and biocompatible.

The Restoration

The crown, bridge, or denture that becomes your visible tooth must be custom-made for a perfect fit and a natural look

These premium materials play a crucial role in why dental implants are so expensive in the US as well.

Expertise Makes Dental Implants Expensive

Dental implant placement isn’t a procedure every dentist performs. It requires specialized training, advanced technology, and years of experience. Here’s why that cost factors into your dental implant investment:

The Implant Surgeon

Often an oral surgeon or periodontist, they have advanced training specific to implant placement.

The Restorative Dentist

Responsible for designing and fitting your final restoration.

The Dental Team

Dental assistants and hygienists play vital roles throughout the process.

This team of skilled professionals is dedicated to making sure your implant is successful and looks great.

What Makes Dental Implants Worth It

At first, dental implants might seem a lot more expensive than other options like bridges or dentures. But there’s a catch! With bridges and dentures, you’ll likely need to replace them every few years.  Dental implants, on the other hand, are built to last for decades. This means that, in the long run, dental implants could actually save you money!

Plus, think about how they’ll change your life. With dental implants, you can eat whatever you want, smile, and speak without worry. They even feel like your real teeth!  Implants also have another hidden superpower: they keep your jawbone strong and healthy, preventing problems that can happen after you lose teeth.

When you add up the cost of replacements, special cleaners, and the amazing benefits implants offer, they often end up being the smarter choice for both your wallet and your overall health!

If you are in search of a clinic that provides premium dental implant solutions, you should consider A-Plus Dentistry as they offer flexible financing options allowing you to make the best decision without hurting your wallet. Book an appointment today!


So why are dental implants expensive? The process involves skilled professionals, advanced technology, and long-lasting materials. While the initial cost might feel high, consider the long-term value and the life-changing impact they can have.  Investing in dental implants is often an investment in your overall health and well-being!

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